
Can Using Different Implant Sizes Makes My Breasts More Even?

Symmetry rarely occurs in nature. When looking in the mirror, you may notice that your breasts are not exactly the same. They may be different sizes or the areolas may be positioned differently. One breast may be lower or wider than the other. All women experience these differences to a certain degree.

Scar Treatments: What Should Patients Know

A scar is unavoidable whenever the skin is cut. However, there are many factors that determine how a scar looks after the cut has healed. Even though plastic surgeons excel in using meticulous suturing techniques to close incisions, this is only a small part of what determines the appearance of a scar.

If you are overly concerned about the way a scar looks, there are different measures and scar treatments that can be used to make scars less visible. None of these methods will eliminate the scar, but they can be used to improve its appearance.

Injectable Fillers: Benefits and Side Effects

In recent years, injectable fillers have become one of the most popular procedures performed by plastic surgeons.  Over 2.2 million injectable filler procedures were performed in 2013 and this number is increasing. Most injectable fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring chemical already present in your body, although they can be composed of a various substances. Many injectable fillers are recognized by their brand names, including Juvederm, Restylane, Belotero, Voluma, and Sculptra, among others.

Non-Invasive Plastic Surgery

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recently released a report revealing statistics on both invasive and non-invasive plastic surgery procedures performed in 2013.  Although surgical procedures like breast augmentation, facelift, and rhinoplasty remain the most commonly sought after services, the popularity of non-invasive procedures saw dramatic increase. Over 13 million non-invasive procedures were performed in 2013.

Breast Augmentation

A common question we get during breast augmentation consultations is whether or not a breast lift is needed in addition to the placement of implants. Sometimes the answer is quite evident from the start, and other times it becomes a judgment call based on a particular patient’s desires and expectations. So, deciding whether “to lift or not to lift” begins with a thorough examination of the patient.

Wrinkle Treatment Options

Southern Californians have the advantage of year-long sunny weather with numerous outdoor activities at our disposal. But perfect weather comes at a cost, and It’s our skin that pays the price. A lifetime of daily exposure and lack of medical-grade skin care and daily use of sunscreen can cause the premature appearance of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Fortunately, there are numerous products and procedures available to prevent and treat sun damaged skin.


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