More women are seeking ways to improve the shape and contour of their arms. If there is sagging skin and excess tissue on your upper arms, then a brachioplasty (arm lift) procedure may benefit you.
Arm lifts, also known as brachioplasty, remove excess skin and fat from your upper arms to give them a slimmer contour and shape. Patients interested in brachioplasty often have a history of significant weight loss.
Although weight loss is great for your health and self-confidence, it can often result in excess hanging skin in your upper arms and other parts of your body. This unsightly skin can be a source of psychological distress when wearing shirts that reveal your upper arms.
Good candidates for this procedure have excess skin in the upper arms with a limited amount of excess fat. Small stubborn pockets of fat can be addressed during the surgery with liposuction.
Depending on the extent of the skin excess, the scars can be hidden in the armpits or inner part of your arms where people won’t notice. The scars can be visible in certain types of clothing, but most patients accept this trade-off for the better overall shape.
More than 15,000 arm lifts were performed in 2013. When comparing this to the 500 arm lift procedures performed in 2000, it is evident the popularity of brachioplasty is definitely growing. As with all surgeries, there are risks with brachioplasty and it is important to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to ensure you are obtaining the best and safest result.
Your Brachioplasty Consultation
At Finesse Plastic Surgery, we perform all manner of body contouring surgery. Whether it is from weight loss or aging, loose skin can be removed from arms, bra lines, belly, buttocks and thighs to give you a more shapely figure.
Because we have three highly qualified and exceptionally well trained surgeons on staff, our patients frequently benefit from having a team of two or three surgeons in the operating room taking care of them. This reduces your operating room time and often allows us to perform a wider array of procedures.
Call today to schedule a consultation to find out if you are a good candidate for an arm lift.