Kybella vs CoolMini. Which Double Chin Treatment is Best?

Kybella vs CoolMini. Which Double Chin Treatment is Best?

A strong jaw line conveys strength, confidence, and youthfulness. It is no wonder so many Americans want one. Over 80 percent of patients surveyed say they'd like to eliminate some of the fat beneath their chins and give themselves a better defined neck. It's not as easy as it sounds. Your neck is one of the most difficult areas of your body to deal with. Fat cells here are extremely stubborn, and often don't respond to diet or exercise.

Fortunately, there's good news. The FDA has approved two new procedures that let you get rid of your double chin once and for all. They're called Kybella and the CoolSculpting Mini. These are non-surgical, non-invasive procedures that attack unwanted fat cells, permanently eliminating them from your body, leaving you with a strong, sculpted jaw. Below we've laid out benefits and side effects of Kybella vs. CoolSculpting Mini, so can understand the exciting possibilities they offer you.

How Does Kybella and the CoolSculpting Mini Work?


Kybella is short for keoxycholic acid. It's a man-made form of deoxycholic acid, one of the natural chemicals your body uses to break down and absorb fat cells. When you receive a Kybella injection, it latches onto your unwanted fatty tissue and dissolves its outer cellular membrane, destroying the cell. As the fat cells die they release their contents out into your body, where they're metabolized and burned off – almost like they never existed.

During a Kybella session, you'll receive a series of small injections beneath your chin. Usually it only takes 1-3 vials to fully treat your submental fat (fat beneath your chin), but in rare instances some patients may require more. It all depends on the size of the area that needs to be treated. Kybella sessions normally last 10-20 minutes, and all patients require multiple sessions in order to enjoy the best results. Most people require three to six sessions of Kybella to fully treat the area.

CoolSculpting Mini

The CoolSculpting Mini is a body sculpting device that freezes and eliminates fat cells through a process known as Cryolipolysis. It cools fat cells to approximately 39°F, which causes ice crystals to form inside of them. As the cells freeze, they die and are broken down and metabolized, similar to Kybella. Because fat cells freezes at a higher temperature than skin or muscle cells, there's no risk of any serious side effects. Only your fat is affected.

During a CoolSculpting Mini session, the cooling device is put under your chin and held in place by a strap around your head. Once the device is activated by your treatment specialist, the cooling begins. Some patients find the cold temperature a bit uncomfortable at first, but it passes after a few minutes and is hardly noticeable for the rest of the session. Most patients relax, read, or watch movies on their mobile devices until the treatment specialist returns. The CoolSculpting session lasts for 45 minutes. Once it's over, your treatment specialist will massage the skin under your chin to maximize the effect of the treatment. Patients normally need more than one session to fully eliminate all their unwanted fat, but you'll have a noticeably stronger jaw after just one.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?


After a cell has been broken down by Kybella, it has to be metabolized and processed by your body, so it will be a few weeks before you see the fat melt away. Most patients see a 50 percent fat reduction under their after just two sessions and a 70 percent reduction after four. After six, the excess fat surrounding their jaw is gone, giving them a younger, stronger, and chiseled appearance.

CoolSculpting Mini

After a CoolSculpting Mini session, it takes approximately 8-12 weeks for your body to break down and metabolize crystallized fats. During that time, you'll see the fat beneath your chin shrink and your jaw line become more defined. 

How Effective Is Kybella vs. CoolSculpting Mini?


Most Kybella patients see a ten percent reduction in neck fat after six weeks and a 25 percent reduction over the full course of their treatment. In total, over 80 percent of patients end up with a strong, visible jaw line and an improved cervicomental angle, the angle at which your neck intersects with your jaw. The ideal is 90-105°, and the closer you get to it, the more youthful and vigorous you appear.  The procedure also stimulates the production of new collagen, so the skin around your chin looks firm and supple.

Kybella before and after pictures

CoolSculpting Mini

A single CoolSculpting Mini session can reduce neck fat by 20-25 percent, making it one of the most effective body sculpting techniques currently available. The targeted fat cells are permanently eliminated and won't be regenerated, so the results are extremely long-lasting. Patients will enjoy an improved jaw line that will make then look younger, more vigorous, and more confident for years and years.

CoolMini before and after pictures

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Kybella and the CoolSculpting Mini?


Kybella is ideal for men and women in good health and have small to substantial amounts of fat underneath their chins. Patients who have had surgery or other cosmetic procedures around their neck should warn their doctor before undergoing Kybella treatments. People who have trouble swallowing, a thyroid disorder, swollen lymph glands in their neck or bleeding or clotting disorders may not be suited for Kybella.

CoolSculpting Mini

The CoolSculpting Mini is most effective at eliminating small to moderate amounts of fat beneath your chin. The best candidates for the CoolSculpting Mini are men and women in good health who are within 20-30 pounds of their ideal weight. People with small chins may have trouble fitting the CoolSculpting Mini beneath their neck, and so may not be ideal candidates.

How Much Do They Cost?

Prices for a Kybella or CoolSculpting Mini session are similar and their overall cost depends on the number of sessions you require. Kybella and the CoolSculpting Mini may not benefit all patients equally. Based on the shape and size of your neck and jaw, as well as the size of the area that needs to be treated, one procedure may improve your chin more than the other. Talk to your doctor in order to determine whether Kybella or the CoolSculpting Mini meets your aesthetic and price needs.